Why choose galvanised roofing sheets?
Corrugated metal roofing sheets have been used for many centuries and are widely regarded as one of the most reliable roofing products! Below we will answer the most important and…
The “outdoor structures” that are taking over pub carparks and beer gardens this Spring.
It’s here, finally the day we have all been waiting for, after a long period of closure due to Covid-19 parts of the leisure industry are finally permitted to reopen…
Everything you need to know about Onduline roofing sheets.
What is Onduline roofing? Onduline is a bituminous corrugated roof sheet that is lightweight and available in a range of colours (black, red, green, brown & Grey) Bitumen roofing sheets…
Western Red Cedar Shingles – Beautiful & sustainable.
Sawn from the highest quality British Columbian cedar logs, Western Red Cedar Shingles provide a naturally durable and hard wearing roofing or cladding solution, not to mention the visually stunning…