Blue Label Cedar Shingles

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Blue Label Cedar Shingles

If you’re looking for Blue Label cedar shingles, you're probably someone who knows a thing or two about timber roofing. If you don’t know what ‘Blue Label’ cedar shingles are though, here’s a quick overview:

  • It’s the top grade of cedar shingle (or "shake")
  • You can also buy lower grades known as 'Red Label' and 'Black Label’
  • They are 100% clear of defects such as knots
  • They are purely edge grain (the most stable grain for roofing)
  • They offer a more ‘clean’ line finish
  • They are 100% heartwood (the hardest timber found in the dense inner part of the tree trunk)
  • The best choice for cedar roofing in the UK

Whether for roofing a pergola, driveway cover, Wendy house, shed or other outdoor building, Blue Label cedar shingles are a fantastic option. These shingles can not only be used for outdoor roofing but also high-end wall cladding. Outdoor cedar tiles are becoming a popular option due to their beautiful aesthetic, incredible thermal insulating properties and low carbon footprint. What’s more is, at eRoofs, all of our Blue Label cedar shingles are Certigrade so you can ensure the best quality when you order online from us.

These shingles can give your roof a natural look and, with careful maintenance, last a very long time even in our very changeable British weather. You can buy these shingles untreated or pre-treated, depending on your preference.

The natural preservatives of cedar offer protection from fungi, humidity and insects and, left untreated, they change colour to a stunning silver-grey over time outdoors. However, wood treatments can lengthen the cedars lifespan by adding further protective barriers as well as offer alternative finish options if silver-grey won't suit your roof. You can find a wide variety of wood treatments from eDecks here.

At eRoofs we offer some unbeatable deals on both untreated and treated Blue Label cedar shingles (as well as many other roofing options, of course) as well as free advice on purchasing, installation and more. We are continually working hard to give you the best price possible without negotiating on quality, so it's always worth checking our website for the best roofing deals online.

How do eRoofs offer incredible quality at such low prices?

Because eRoofs is an exclusively online store, we don’t have the enormous running costs of a physical showroom, which means we can offer you better quality products at much lower prices than high street DIY stores.

You won't want to miss out on any of these great benefits of buying from eRoofs:

- Incredibly low prices AND high-quality products

- All Blue Label Cedar Shingles Certigrade

- Long-lasting, high quality BS8417 standard pressure treated timber

- Roofing purchase advice and installation help always free of charge

*All prices correct at time of writing

*Price correct at time of writing. Does not include delivery costs.